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Updates on Planning for COVID

Good afternoon, staff, parents and members of the Newmarket community-

Here is an update from last evening.  We still plan to open school on Monday, with an early release for students (dismal for NES is 12:00 PM and 11:15 AM at the JSHS).  School staff will use the rest of the day to finalize remote learning plans.  

The Administration Team is meeting today to finalize plans if there is a closure.  Among other things, the Team is addressing:

  • Remote Learning Details (including access to technology, etc.)
  • Food Service
  • After School Programs

More particular information will be provided on all aspects of the remote learning plan if there is an extended closure.

There is much conflicting information regarding COVID-19 and school closures.  Please know that our decision making is guided by expert information from the Federal Center for Disease Control (CDC), the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (NHHHS), the New Hampshire Department of Education (NHDOE), and specific local circumstances.  For your information, here is a link to the CDC’s current guidance on school closures: CDC Considerations for School Closure  As you can see, there are many factors to consider and we will continually assess them in the best interests of Newmarket students, parents and the community.  Currently, the CDC and the State of New Hampshire are not recommending school closure.  We are not aware of any local COVID-19 cases in Newmarket at this time.

As this is a developing situation on the forefront of our minds, we will issue updates daily and as needed for any significant developments.  Again, we can all help by exercising common sense health precautions – please see the CDC’s recommendations: CDC Health Precautions

Finally, we are fortunate to have so many skilled and dedicated professionals who have contributed to planning – I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all involved!

Thank you,

 Susan K. Givens, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

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